Six Months of Posting for the Reno Realty Blog

Reno_real_estate_agent_realtor_flip So this past week I reached my six-month mark of posting on this blog.  And I’ve been thinking that I no longer need to insert my photo next to my posts.  The original purpose of the insertion of my photo was to provide an easy way to distinguish my posts from Diane’s.  In fact, the original plan was to have a handful of contributing agents, each of whose posts would contain their mug shots.  However, bringing other agents to post to this blog has proven more challenging than we had expected.  But I digress.

Lately, I’ve been thinking that my photo, with my smiling face and the twinkle in my eye, just doesn’t seem to jive next to my posts regarding the state of this depressed housing market.  Regardless, you must be tired of seeing every time I post.

So, what do you think?  Agreed?  Don’t care?  Wondering what this has to do with the Reno real estate market?

Enjoy the weekend.  New images forthcoming.


  1. Move to Reno?

    Probbly the best thing is to post a photo that somehow is related to your post. You know how everybody likes surprises.

    Congratulations on 6 months of posting. The best is yet to come!

  2. GreenNV

    So other agents have had “posting anxiety?” Gimmee some names, and I’ll profile them!

    The head shot is fine by me, but I keep relating it to the RGJ ads where you are “committed” and I worry you are in fact having mental health issues. I’m waiting for the Q4 taglines on the Chase agent ads -“Desperate, Ho, Baby Needs New Shoes, Could Go Bi For Full Asking Offer, Leveraged to the Max, Will Tell You Anything But the Truth, But it is a Historic Barn – Really, My Home Has an NOD, But it Appraised At….”

    Any one else have a few choice tag lines for the Chase agents? Get Creative!

    Guy, your posts have been insightful and generally on the money. I have learned a lot from what you have had to say, and thank you for your input.

  3. Reno Ignoramus

    Yes those Chase TOMA ads are quite amusing. Given that some of the Chase agents featured don’t have a listing and haven’t closed a deal all year, they are even more amusing. But, as that famous Chase agent, Andre Agassi, once said, “image is everything.”

    Guy, is there any truth to the rumor that in order to save money, some of the Chase agents went in together and bought a communal black shirt, and that they each own a fractional interest in the shirt?

    I too want to thank you for your very informative posts over the past 6 months. Well, ok, that one post wherein you referred to David Lereah as an “expert” was marginal, but you were just a rookie then.

  4. Reno Ignoramus

    It’s time to update on my favorite Somersett listing. 1900 Russell Pointe Cr. MLS # 70013772.

    This house is my selection for Somersett Poster Child. This house has been “listed” and then “listed” and then “listed” again and again and again, in a realtor-obsessed attempt to keep those damn DOM down and make this baby look NEW!

    And talk about riding the market down. This flip gone from bad to awful was purchased in 9/05 for $1,066,000.

    Current asking price: $799,000.

    If the owner gets 90% of the asking price, and pays 7% in commissions and costs, she is looking at about a $450,000 loss. And that does not even include what it has cost to carry this “never been lived in” beauty for the past 2 years. How much are the mortgage payments on a $1,000,000 loan?

    Do I hear $779K?

    Do I hear $759K?


  5. Grand Wazoo

    It appears the joint next door at 1905 Russell Pointe is for sale too.

    Must be quite the neighborhood …

  6. NAS

    Began reading “the blog” several months ago. Must admit, first and only blog I’ve ever contributed any comment(s). Posts have been very informative, interesting, eye-rolling, and laughable. Since I consider myself to have a possible future in Reno, the topics are of great interest. Keep up the good work.

    As for the t-shirts (or are they silk?). Black is very ‘tres sheik’ for attire. I can see why the Chase group went for it. Black is also indicative for mourning/dismal outlook/gloomy/bad news. Uh, Oh. Cue the music.

    As for Russell Pt.-would love to fast forward and see what the final sales price will be. I’m thinking another 15% with a big concession of commission. Here’s hoping the listing agent hasn’t bought too many things on long term credit.

  7. NVMojo

    Well, you got my attention with that photo!

    I appreciate this blog too and I have recommended it to alot of people I know.

    In the meantime, we are hunkering on our rent lease. I guess we are rejects. Went over to the condos along the river a few days ago and because we have a 65 pound Weimaraner, we were refused a lease even though we were interested in buying at some point. They wouldn’t even talk to us. Sort of made me laugh since we have had this same dog in our little apartment, indoors and no trouble, for over a year. She weighed 20 pounds too much.

    Good thing we have gotten over our interest in this condo complex. We would have had to kill our beloved pet to buy into it. I digress.

  8. GuyJohnson

    Thank you, everyone, for your kinds words.

    GreenNV, I’m LOL at your tag lines. Regarding my tag, ‘committed’: I’m not having mental health issues…yet…as far as I’m aware. But you raise a valid concern. The last Chase agent to use “committed” as her tag line left the firm under mysterious circumstances. I was told that I was “in luck” that ‘committed’ was available. [FYI a Chase tag word may not be used by more than one agent simultaneously.]

    R.I., I had not heard of that rumour, though it’s certainly possible. However, I am aware that our Chase photographer has a couple black shirts to loan to agents who do not want to purchase their own black shirt.
    Regarding my “David Lereah” comment, yes I was a rookie then and had much to learn. Still do. But thank you for setting me straight back then. I believe I have never made that mistake since.

    NAS, for the most part each agent’s shirt is unique. Each agent purchases his own shirt while abiding by a couple guidelines: solid black; simple styling. Most of the guys go with a basic black cotton t-shirt. The women are more diverse in their selections. There may be some silk found there. The photography session is more involved that I would have guessed. The photographer has a make-up artist, a production assistant and a lighting guy on his team. The first step of the process involves the agent going through make-up and wardrobe. I know you must be asking, “Wardrobe?…for a black t-shirt?” What you can’t see in the Chase photographs is that each agent has a series of clips strategically placed along the back of his/her shirt in order to produce a more fitted look. Kind of like that scene in Lost In Translation when Bill Murray’s character was shooting the commercial for Suntory whiskey.

    NVMojo, thanks for spreading the word.

  9. Phil Hoover

    Guy ~
    I serially beleeve you wud do better if’n you didn’t have no fotos of yursef on da blog 🙂
    How ya doin, Guy?

  10. Diane Cohn

    Guy, you’ve actually survived and thrived amidst one of the toughest audiences in the blogosphere… congratulations. Now, can I have my shirt back, please? 😉

  11. Metrujectiktus

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