What Do You Want to Read About?

Downtown_reno_141Well, I’ve been blogging for months now, so it’s probably time for an informal reader survey. My goal is to provide interesting, relevant, residential realty market insight, while at the same time providing an online forum for community conversation. Let me know what you think so that I can make this a better tool. Thanks in advance!

1) What do you like about the blog?

2) What do you dislike about it?

3) What kind of content do you really want to see?

4) What content is a waste of time?

5) What other question should I be asking?


  1. Reno Ignoramus

    How about the following information:

    1) A periodic update on the number of new listings, say, every two weeks.

    2) A periodic update on the number of listings withdrawn, the number of listings expired, and the number of price reductions (since there are no price increases now), say, every two weeks.

    3) A periodic update on the number of new pendings and sales, say, every two weeks.

    It would be great to have this information by price range, but I realize you have other things to do than just gather data for this blog. So just numbers for the whole market at large would be quite nice.

    You already provide median price information
    in your monthly recap, which is quite informative.

    You are again to be commended for your willingness to make this blog more than just yet another realtor spin jive website.

    Thank you.

  2. Chris

    Diane – I found your site by searching Google for “living in Reno blog.” So, maybe some posts about your experiences living in Reno (i.e. the general culture, and atmosphere of the city, what the various sections of the city are like, etc.). I live on the East Coast and it’s been helpful to get a general overview/feel of the real estate market in Reno. Reno is definitely not the only city that’s overvalued!

    Your honesty in discussing the current real estate bubble is refreshing, and wins you major brownie points. Overall, I think you’re doing a great job blogging, and your site is indexed and ranking in Google.


  3. Myrna the Minx

    Diane, you do a great job and I would be leery of letting your audience create an even higher work load for you. I know what its like to be a slave to a blog.

    Chris, I hope you found my blog too since its mostly about life in Reno.

  4. nvmojo

    I found your blog via Myrna’s blog over at Reno Discontents. Keep it going. Someday you may be our realtor when we are done watching the local market with you. Thanks!

  5. renojedi

    I think the Blog is great as it is. As a suggestion for a future article, I’d like to see a focus on the new homes from a local level. We all heard about Lennar and others nationally but how does that translate locally? What are some price adjustments you have seen, what are some of the incentives out there, how bad is the cancellation rate locally,etc.

    Thanks for a great blog that I love reading.

  6. Jim Turner

    This is awesome feedback Diane. My suggestion would be to discuss some of the hot deals you see with perhaps a MLS picture or listing. Then explain why it might make a good deal or even a poor deal.

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