Electronic Espresso Opens Downtown

Guy2_4 I’m writing today’s post from downtown’s newest store, the Electronic Espresso Internet Café & Lounge.  The “Coming Soon” sign has been out front for months, but the wait is finally over.  And as I look around this very cool establishment, listening to the Cool Jazz wafting through the café, I can emphatically state the wait was surely worth it.

This is not your run of the mill Wi-Fi coffee shop.  The first thing that struck me upon entering the EEIC&L was its immense size.  Having lived in downtown Chicago for sixteen years, I have been inside my fair share of shops (coffee or otherwise) featuring Wi-Fi “hotspots”.  They’re frequently so cramped and crowded one barely has enough room to open her laptop, let alone have any room to spread out and actually be productive.  The EEIC&L has plenty of room to accommodate even the largest widescreen laptops, and then some.

The second thing that struck me was the emphasis on computer hardware.  This is one Wi-Fi hotspot where you don’t even need to own a computer to connect.  I counted no less than eight full-size workstations along the walls of one of the rooms.  Use of these workstations is available for a nominal charge.

The EEIC&L has three distinct rooms.  Upon entering patrons are immediately drawn to a 30’ bar that can easily seat over a dozen people.  This large main room also contains two cocktail tables.  Just to the right of the front entrance is a small stage where nightly entertainment will perform.  As you head to the rear of the main room a second room opens to the left.  This room contains four, glass-top dining tables as well as the aforementioned workstations lining the walls.  But please don’t get the mistaken impression that these workstations resemble the dated equipment found in your local library.  These state-of-the-art Dell desktop systems feature 17” flat panel displays, dual-core processors, screen top digital video cameras, and headphones with built-in microphones.  Additionally, each workstation is separated from one another with a stylish pane of privacy glass – a very nice touch.

Behind the workstation room is yet another room, containing an overstuffed leather sofa and chair facing a wall-mounted big screen LCD TV.  This room, with its bookshelves and subdued lighting, looks very much like someone’s den.

EEIC&L’s menu offers a variety of caffe, tea and espresso drinks.  Food items include muffins, croissants, bagels, scones, pastries, and few sandwiches for the lunchtime crowd.  The most distinguishing feature of EEIC&L’s menu, however, is the computer services featured.  On the same menu along with the Caffe Breves, customers can order PC/Laptop diagnostics, operating system installs, virus removal, and hardware installs.  Very cool, in my opinion.  Owner Brian Depew has owned and operated his own computer consulting business for over seven years, and his expertise clearly shows through in the design and offerings of the EEIC&L.

And the selections don’t stop with coffee and connectivity.  The EEIC&L will present live music on the weekends; open mic night every other Wednesday; and Texas Hold’em tournaments on Fridays.  These points and prizes-based, non-cash games will ultimately lead to a free seat at the World Series of Poker.

I am very pleased to see such a top shelf new business opening downtown.  Let’s hope other entrepreneurs follow the EEIC&L’s lead.

The EEIC&L is located downtown at 134 W. 2nd St., 775.322.7587.

Posted by Guy Johnson.

1 comment

  1. EyesWideOpen

    I agree! EE is an excellent addition to downtown. I sat at the bar last week and did some business on my laptop while enjoying a cup-a-jo and a toasted bagel. The coffee, the access and the service were all fabulous. I still like the quaintness of Java Jungle, but IMO, EE is a cut above.

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