More Good Reasons to Live in Reno

Blog_photo Time for a change of pace from all the doom and gloom posts I’ve been submitting lately.  Did you see the half page ad in section one of yesterday’s Reno-Gazette Journal?  The ad was on page 4A just beneath the picture of yours truly.  If you happen to have missed it, the ad copy read:

Let’s pretend that there’s this amazing, world-famous company that’s considering moving to this wild, wonderplace you call home.  Said move will bring hundreds of great-paying jobs and spark a renaissance of goodness that will put us on the world business map.  All that’s needed to seal the deal are a few choice words from you, dear neighbor.  The essence of this place.  What makes it tick.  What defines it.  Be irreverent, be surprising, be yourself.  Make your pitch.

I checked out the site.  It was refreshing and simple.  The opening screen invites the reader to “share that one magical reason you choose to call this place home.”  The following webpage not only allows one to submit his or her one good reason, but also lists all the posts submitted so far.  It appears hundreds have been submitted already.

I’m not sure who is behind this, or if this is old news, but if anyone can provide additional info, feel free to comment.  The only thing I was able to uncover is that the domain,, is registered to R&R Partners, an integrated marketing communications firm.


  1. Mike Van H

    I believe this is part of the RSCVA’s new marketing push. It has the ‘can-do’ logo which is their new brand for the greater Reno Tahoe area.

  2. Celine

    I believe this is the new regional business brand roll-out by EDAWN and NNDA for the Greater Reno-Tahoe area. They announced it on Tuesday. Go to

  3. Ruby Slippers

    My husband and I just put a few pitches up at the site. I really hope an amazing, world-class company IS considering moving here. We love Reno, and the town really needs to attract more companies that pay higher wages, benefits, etc.

    If so, perhaps this housing bust has a silver lining after all? Home prices rose too high, too fast, and needed to come down to reality again. The double digit increases of the last few years made Reno unattractive to potential businesses, looking to offer the perk of lower housing costs, to relocating and new employees.

    This decline in home prices, long term, could be the best thing for the community. We already have the new homes built, now, if we can attract the businesses and the jobs, more people will come, and the inventory situation will eventually resolve. Prices will rise again, and I hope, at a sustainable level this time.

    These are the people we need to attract to Reno: People who intend to really live here, pay taxes, raise families, and invest in our community–and not just real estate flippers, looking to swoop in for a quick profit. This makes me feel hopeful again!

  4. Mike Van H

    LOL Guy did you read some of the comments? I like the ‘4th Street is great for families and kids, there is something for everyone to see’ comment. That’s good, send our tourists in the bowels of Reno to see such attractions as drug deals, prostitutes, and the perks of weekly motel living.

  5. Justin

    Someone needs to moderate the comments if they are trying to put a positive spin on the area. There are TONS or horrible comments already.

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