Ticor Title charts for June

Below please find the latest Washoe County monthly recording stats from our friends at Ticor Title.

June recordings climbed in every category.  Re-fis increased 13% over May’s number; Re-sales climbed 16%; and even sales of new homes jumped a whopping 67% over May’s number of new home sales.  No doubt falling interest rates fueled much of this increase.

Combining all categories the number of June recordings totaled 1,734.  We haven’t seen that level of activity since October 2007.

NOD filings remain in the mid-900s.  Click on the charts below to enlarge.



  1. billddrummer

    My, my. Nearly 950 NODs in June. That’s more than 40/day!

  2. CommercialLender

    I find it astonishing that with 680 resales, that’s the most in over 2 years. There’s a clear and demonstrable trend for resales going higher, at the expense of new construction which appears to have increased by only a 1 month blip.

    Also, NOD’s have clearly slowed down, though at their peak.

    How will these trends hold up in another 2 months when the buying season really slows/ends is the question?

  3. Paul

    Sorry to hijack the thread – just wondering what’s up with Mike – we haven’t heard from him in about 3 weeks?

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