Below is a new report (courtesy of our friends at First Centennial Title) that I have not posted on this blog before. This report compiles monthly traffic and sales data from the area’s builders and subdivisions. One of the things I like about this report is that the monthly data goes back ten years; allowing new home sales trends to be observed.

Click on the report below to enlarge.

Sales Summary WE 01-18-15

Some observations that come to mind:

What observations do you make from the data in the chart?

4 Responses

  1. Dumb question – Traffic means people (prospective buyers or looky lou’s) visting the model homes?

  2. Even the best conversion rate of 4%, (sales to foot traffic) still seems low. I guess driving around and looking at cool new homes and design ideas is still free. Guy, it would be interesting to know what the (approximate) conversion rate is for resale homes. In my experience, I’m probably only at a .20 avg.

  3. Geoffrey, that would be an interesting comparison. I’m guessing a minimum of 10% conversion.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that multiple offer situations [not uncommon in this market] will skew the data. Example: 20 prospective buyers visit a resale property; five write offers on the property (25%); only one offer is accepted (5%). Which number do you use?

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