Who Wants to Be on HGTV?

Dscn0108Buy a house and be on TV! This from Home & Garden Televison’s PR department: "We are currently looking for Realtors and clients to participate on House Hunters, one of the highest rated programs on HGTV. If you are a real estate agent currently working with a homebuyer, or you are the homebuyer, perhaps you can share your story with us on national television.

"In its fourth season, House Hunters takes the audience behind the scenes of what may be the biggest financial and emotional purchase of someone’s life. From touring open houses to making offers, each half-hour episode of House Hunters highlights the real experience of  finding and purchasing a new home."

And what do you, the homebuyer, get out of this? $500, a copy of the show, and 15 minutes of fame. If anybody’s interested, please call me. see


  1. Jim Turner

    What a great opportunity! I might move just to get on TV!

  2. Myrna the Minx

    Do it Diane, I want to see you do those hilarious re-enactment scenes.

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