Reno Lifestyle Videos Online

Sparks_stuff_010This post is mainly for my out-of-town readers… Reno Magazine recently began producing a local television show about life here in Northern Nevada, and thankfully, they’re forward thinking enough to publish it online. It’s a nice glimpse into our little corner of the world. watch

Also, since the market slowed, I’ve had some time to mess around with iMovie. So I put together a little fluff piece about life here in Somersett and posted it on YouTube. Let me know what you think (but go easy… I’m a total amateur when it comes to videography). watch


  1. NVMojo

    thanks for the link! I’m still new enough here to find this helpful!

  2. Chris

    Nice, thanks Diane. You should make more videos.

  3. Josh

    Awesome video! We are looking for a video intern at Twelve Horses if you’re interested :p

  4. Phil Hoover

    Nice first effort with the video, Diane!
    Your efforts inspire me to do something similar for the Boise area.
    I already have a slideshow on my website at and provide autorun CD slideshows of photos of the Boise area as part of my relocation package, but this gives me some other ideas.
    I have long wanted to have video on my website; YouTube would be one way to achieve that goal.

  5. Ken

    Wow I would have expected better from the RGJ! Can you believe the audio quality? Ah well. Yours looks (and just as importantly, sounds) pretty good Diane!

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