The New Guy

There is soooo much to blog about in the world of Reno real estate, this could easily be a full time job. Yet I can’t possibly do it all myself, since my real job is to help clients get the best deal possible buying or selling real estate, and that in itself is more than a full time job.

To fill the gap, I thought I’d split our metro area into various neighborhoods (similar to how the Reno Gazette Journal did it a few months back when they introduced their Neighborhoods section) and then find some smart, progressive agents to help me beat the streets.

My first recruit? Guy Johnson. Guy will be covering Central Reno including Downtown, Southwest, Old Southwest and Caughlin Ranch. Guy hails from Chicago, likes contemporary architecture, fine food and everything outdoor-related: snowboarding, kayaking, running, hiking and mountain biking. In fact, somebody should ask Guy about his first mountain biking experience on Peavine… it’s pretty funny!

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