Let the Ego Run Wild!

Downtown_reno_021So, part of blogging involves checking your stats to discover who’s finding you and how. Basically, this means backtracking links to see how the heck people end up on your site. Some people come to this this blog by doing a Yahoo Search on "Reno Real Estate" or via a link from Reno Discontents or by Googling "Diane Cohn" and "Husband" (Yeah, I thought that was a little creepy, too). But most people land here after doing some type of benign real estate search.

Tonight as I was checking things out, I backtracked a link from some site that ranks realty blogging sites. And apparently, on June 20, 2006, they tracked my teensy little site as having the biggest mindshare gain in one day, against some of the serious heavyweights in the real estate blogsphere.

I took first place to Zillow’s second place! (Let’s not forget that Zillow has millions in funding while I have nothing more than sheer enthusiasm for my craft, which translates into zilch, moneywise).

On that day, I was in the top 25% of influencers in the realty world blogsphere (I think, as I still can’t quite figure out how this site operates… if anyone else gets it, please let me know). Anyway, given that Reno is considered widely as a "B" market (…sorry, we’re not SF, NY or LA), I thought this was a pretty big deal. Really?


  1. Reno Ignoramus

    Diane…If I hit on your blog 100 times a day would that help your numbers?

  2. Diane Cohn

    Probably (Typepad’s stats are woefully primative) but that’s like, cheating… so please don’t bother. I’d rather be honestly mediocre than fake great. 😉

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