Vacation Foreclosureville

Sunset_1Another great link from I-sit-at-my-computer-all-night-hunting-down-horrible-housing-news, otherwise fondly known as Reno Ignoramus… This is fun stuff. Check out foreclosures in paradise. read

And for you out-of-town folks who missed the latest third quarter housing news from the University of Nevada courtesy of the Reno Gazette… read

Price reductions = 41


  1. Reno Ignoramus


    I really don’t have to “hunt down” the horrible news about the housing market. It is in fact all over the web and the media. Rather, I would say I “selectively sift” through the voluminous amount of material reporting the decline of the housing market. In an effort, of course, to send you only the best. And, I notice that others have also been sharing valuable reports here. To those others, I say thanks!

  2. Diane Cohn

    RI, that was supposed to read as a friendly ribbing… thank you sincerely for your contributions.

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