Market Change Continues

Steamboat_ditch_029Even if we haven’t yet hit bottom, I think we’ve descended far enough to draw some buyers out of the woodwork. Calls, email, and showings are up these last few weeks. With less time to blog, I’ve been hoarding these links for far too long, but perhaps you’ll still find them of interest:

Luxury homeowners plan additional purchases in the next two years. read

Check out Chase International’s around town Reno infomercial. watch

Bubble bloggers may be the new sages (but what will they talk about when the market shifts again?) read

Beware the fine print on exotic mortgages. read

Builders adjust to the changing market. read

Some agents struggle in the new economy. read

Las Vegas still has lots of inventory. read

Sellers do the searching at visit

Default rates on sub-prime loans soar. read

Stop junk mail to save trees, water and the planet. how?

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