Me on My Space?

Okay, so… I keep going back and forth on this. Should I be setting up my professional profile on My Space? Because, like, I need to stay current. Just like these folks. What do you think? see


  1. Chris

    My personal opinion is that these people on MySpace are whack jobs. I know that I would NOT want to use one of them as my realtor. I don’t see that as staying current I see it as using technology that was made for fun and not for business purposes. I mean the one woman is there with a tiger, why would I want her looking for a house for me or selling mine? Maybe if I were a zoo keeper.

  2. BanteringBear

    I don’t think, for a realtor, that a My Space account would be beneficial. I tend to think of them as more of a platform for developing personal, not business, relationships. Of course, should you spend countless hours there, maybe you could drum up business! (And posting the cute photo above would surely garner some attention). But how many are truly interested in business? I say don’t waste your time. But what do I know?

  3. RenoIgnoramus

    Diane, Diane. MySpace is not for anybody over 40. My limited time there leads me to observe that it is mostly populated by hot babes in their 20s, or those who self-describe themselves as such, and hot dudes in their 20s who are trolling after the hot babes. Not a serious place for business.

  4. Jim Turner

    Might want to try second life first? Okay maybe not.

  5. Allen Murray

    Who says Diane is over 40? I don’t think you will lose any business by doing Myspace. Belive it or not, not all real estate buyers and sellers are over 40, I’m not, and I do use Myspace from time to time.

  6. Kevin

    I want to see a video and Diane singing to the tune of Dancing in the Streets:

    “Calling out around Reno
    Are you ready for a brand new home?
    The deals are here and the time is right
    to find yourself a loan”

  7. Larry

    If there are just hot 20 year old “babes and dudes” trying to meet one another, then that’s a great place to have a presence if you have product for that market demographic. I think you could put a site up there, and not look like the tacky examples shown. Diane looks young enough to talk to them without turning them off… go for it…the price is right!

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