Sellsius° to Visit Reno

Blog_photo_3Have you heard of the Sellsius° Real Estate Blog? Joseph G. Ferrara and Rudolph D. Bachraty III, the co-founders, started Sellsius° a couple years ago with the goal of informing readers, in an entertaining way, on all aspects of real estate. They have recently passed their 1,000th post mark and certainly look have met their goal.

Website Grader rates their site a 97/100. Their Alexa Traffic Ranking is 26,799, which means that their site is the 26,799th most trafficked site on the web [compare that number to our site’s 4,007,941st Alexa Traffic Ranking]. When it comes to blogging about real estate Joe and Rudy are doing it right.

Why am I telling you this? Well, Joe and Rudy have been invited to speak at the InmanNews Real Estate Connect Conference to be held in San Francisco next month. Always the innovators, Joe and Rudy, who hail from New York City, decided not to fly to San Francisco like most of the other attendees, but rather to rent an RV and drive cross-country to the conference; along the way, meeting as many fellow real estate bloggers as time would permit.

And from that idea, Blog Tour USA was born. Billed as "2 Bloggers, 24 Cities, 1 RV, Summer 2007", Blog Tour USA departed NYC on June 30th with a kick-off party sponsored by Active Rain. The tour’s route travels South along the Eastern seaboard down to Miami before heading back North to Chicago and then turning Westward to Phoenix and then North to Portland and then back South again to San Francisco. The thing that immediately became clear to us what that Reno was conspicuously absent from the list of stops along the way (see map below).


So Diane began lobbying Joe and Rudy to consider a stop in The Biggest Little City In The World. After a few exchanged emails Rudy and Joe obliged, and Reno was added to the list of tour stops. In fact, we are the last city stop of Blog Tour USA before the guys roll into San Francisco for the conference.

So, now Diane and I are busily planning an itinerary for Joe and Rudy so that Reno will be the city they have the fondest memories of long after Blog Tour USA 2007 is over. One of the best parts of putting together a fun filled weekend for a couple of out-of-town road trippers is sampling the prospective venues beforehand. Case in point: Friday evening Diane, Trudi (Diane’s assistant) and I were invited to attend the Grand Opening of Nikki Beach at the Grand Sierra Resort. It didn’t take us long to agree that Nikki Beach most definitely needed to be part of Rudy and Joe’s itinerary.  [If you are unfamiliar with the Nikki Beach concept, you can check out their website here, or wait for tomorrow’s post.]

If you get a chance, check out the Blog Tour USA site and take a look at how Joe and Rudy are being hosted in other cities as they make their way to Reno. Being bloggers, the guys are providing almost daily posts of their experiences. Then, if you would like to suggest a "must-see" Reno event or venue, please let us know and we’ll see if we can fit it in to the weekend’s itinerary. Rudy and Joe are expected to arrive the afternoon of Friday, July 27th. Their original plan was to depart for San Francisco the following morning, however Diane and I are making a strong case to get them to stay in Reno an additional night.

I have asked Rudy and Joe to check in with our Reno Realty Blog periodically on their way here. That way they’ll be able to read some of your suggestions. In the meantime, if you are out on the highways and you see an RV that looks like this, give them a honk and a wave.




Yes, that’s Diane’s and my picture on the back of the RV.


  1. Phil Hoover

    Hey, the party’s in Boise (Eagle, actually) on 7/24 at when the Sellsius guys roll thru Boise.
    Steaks on the BBQ at Phil’s luxurious, palatial Fleetwood dubbawide!
    Who else can make it?

  2. NVMojo

    Thanks for getting Reno on the tour to get us some more visibility. Can’t hurt!

  3. Joseph Ferrara.sellsius

    We are looking forward to our Reno stop. Diane was very persuasive and we succumbed to her charms 🙂

  4. Guy Johnson

    Sorry about the typo on Sellsius’ date of arrival. The Blog Tour USA RV will be rolling into town July 27th, not June 27th as I had originally mistakenly posted.

  5. Diane Cohn

    I wanna know who that super scary looking guy is next to Guy on the bus…

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