The Magic Price Point

Happy Friday, everyone. This is my new favorite marketing piece that I give to sellers every time I do a pricing consultation. It explains precisely what you need to do to price your home to actually sell in today’s market, as opposed to having it languish on the MLS for a year or more. Drink me


  1. smarten

    Sorry Diane – I don’t like it.

    I especially don’t like it coming from another one of those self-described real estate gurus who makes his/her living “motivating” lemmings. It’s an immediate “turn off” to me.

    This guy makes a valid point in the first paragraph and to me, that’s the extent of its value. The rest of his piece detracts from the point initially made. This fellow lost me at his third paragraph.

    You know, we all want things we can’t have. I think when we decide to hire a real estate professional, we either want: the one with the greatest local reputation [“I want the best”]; or, the one who is going to tell me what I want to hear [“I want someone who’s going to make me feel good”]. Few of us are prepared for reality – especially when it differs from what we want to hear.

    The seller who’s looking for the realtor who will tell him/her what he/she wants to hear [especially in this market, I think most sellers fall into this category], will neither be motivated by your guru’s piece nor your [nor Guy’s] realistic presentation[s]. So if you’re going to take the time to do a presentation, why not do it with the intent you’re NOT going to get the listing for now, but down the road when this seller tires of “going through the motions” with someone else, you will?

    Don’t you think every seller shopping for an agent is going to get the same type of vanilla presentation with the same type of comparative market analysis [“to learn more about using a CMA to help sell your home contact your local realtor”]? So why you? Try thinking outside the box.

  2. Move to Reno?

    I thought the author of the article made some very valid points. I especially like the idea of a seller looking at his or her home from the perspective of a potential buyer.

  3. 2sleepy

    I don’t think most people even know what it means to look at their house as a buyer would, they are emotionally attached to their house and the junk in it and can’t see past that. I have looked at houses that might have been a great value, but I couldn’t get past the weird stuff like crocheted doilies, velvet Jesus pictures and plaster statues in the yard, so I walked away… Sellers should be given a list of model homes that are well decorated & well landscaped and told to go look at them and compare what they see to their own house. They should also be told that if they are trading up, they should get an even better deal on the house they are buying (assuming its in the same market) than the buyer of their house will be getting so that they can let go of the idea that somehow they just might get the same price that their neighbors got for ‘a house just like theirs’ in 2005.

  4. Eric Ransom

    There are some good insights, but I prefer the David Knox “Pricing Your Home to Sell” video. We have had great response to this and it takes the weight off of our shoulders. Whatever the method, we need to straight shoot with our Sellers and have the backbone to tell it like it is.

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