God Hates Reno, Nevada

As if Reno didn’t have enough to worry about, now God hates us.  According to the Westboro Baptist Cult, based out of Topeka, Kansas, “…the curse of God [is] upon Reno…God hates Reno, Nevada.”  One can only wonder what impact this will have of property values around here.

Since these characters seem to have a direct line to God, I’m thinking of asking them to find out what housing markets God doesn’t hate.  Could be a buying opportunity there.


  1. RGJ

    These mentally deficient hate mongers are just upset their cult was not invited to join the Heaven’s Gate cult on their journey to the tail of the Hail Bopp comet

  2. smarten

    I can tell you first hand Guy, I don’t hate Reno!

  3. Tom

    Guy, you might also ask those religious cult folks how many consecutive naturals I could shoot from the pass line, and when I should pull my chips, the next time I am in town. I will appreciate their divine guidance and would buy those old boys a drink, if they meet me at Harvey’s.

  4. bondstevenbond

    Like Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.”

  5. MikeZ

    Looks like God hates Phelps!

    The counter-demonstration included many members of the Patriot Guard, a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who support fallen soldiers, the Reno Gazette-Journal reported on its Web site.

    “The police stood by and not only didn’t do anything to keep the peace and make them obey the law, but helped choreograph the mischief,” Phelps-Roper told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Topeka on

    “They let those bitter bikers lay hands on our people.”

  6. donna

    God loves Reno. He hates the sin, but loves the sinner. He still has plans for Reno, He’s not done with her yet. Stay tuned…..

    This group is an embarrassment to me as a Christian.

  7. God

    Something fun for everyone. No really. It’s not what you think. It might be worse! *gasp* Put your sinnin’ boots on.


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