Free Gelato @ Walden’s

House_pictures_112 Although this has nothing to do with Reno real estate, it is breaking news. I have a client who is one of the new co-owners of Walden’s Coffeehouse on the corner of Mayberry & McCarran. They just installed a brand new gelato machine and are offering free gelato today, Friday, after 2:00 pm until the end of the day. So anybody with a hankering for the most wonderfully creamy ice cream known to man (or woman) better hoof it on over early before they run out!

1 comment

  1. Reno Ignoramus

    The Italians pretty much stand alone in their contribution to the Western world. Gallileo suggested the earth is not the center of the universe. Machiavelli formulated the political and philosophical principles of the modern nation-state. Giotto began the glorification of the human as an object worthy of artistic attention. Dante elevated the epic poem to the highest levels of literary accomplishment, and Michaelango achieved artistic creation still unmatched in human endeavor.

    The Italians also invented gelatti. With all due respect to the accomplishments of gli Italiani, described above, this may their greatest contribution to the world. I am on my way.

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